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I wanted to transform a shapefile of lines to a wavefront .obj file. In the resulted file test_obj.obj, I did not get a list of vertices and a line starting with "l" to represent a line.

Below are three images. The first one shows shapefile "test" with a line. The second image shows how I configured in FME to get an obj file of the line. The third image shows the resulted obj file, which is "empty".

Can anybody help me?

Enable the "Write Points and Lines". By default it is set to no.


Keep in mind, some software can't read the lines. So, you'll have to buffer them slightly to create polygons if you run into issues.


Enable the "Write Points and Lines". By default it is set to no.


Keep in mind, some software can't read the lines. So, you'll have to buffer them slightly to create polygons if you run into issues.


Enabling the "Write Points and Lines" solved my problem. Thanks a lot!
