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Hi everyone,

im trying to set the color of an ifcProxy object. (see workspace below an attached)

(input: )

i had a look at the following question:

but the implementation for an ifcProxy object doesn't work!

--> there is no line with "IFCSURFACESTYLERENDERING" in the exported file, which should exist to apply a color to an object.


how to define the color of an ifcProxy element?


Best regards


Hi @luhu,

Please move the AppearanceSetter after the Extruder in the workflow.

The AppearanceSetter only set appearances on surface and solid geometries, and you only have this type of geometry after your polygon has been extruded.

thanks for the quick feedback.


so if I want to colorize a polygon or a line (Axis or FootPrint in an IFC file) i have to use the GeometryColorSetter instead of the AppearanceSetter?

Reason for it: the AppearanceSetter works only for Surfaces and solids


Hi @luhu,

The GeometryColorSetter also only works on surfaces and solids, since these are the only geometries that hold color info. On all other geometries, the color is set on feature itself, rather than on the geometry, and so you would use the FeatureColorSetter transformer.

im traying to colorize a 2D Geometrie in a IFC file.

the following workspace doesn't work

workspace: TEST_linien - Kopie.fmw

import file: TEST_linie_geschl_mit_bogen.dwg



probleme: the FeatureColorSetter sets the color not as property of the geometry (e.g. Traits). Therefore the can not set the color.


so the following 3 lines are missing in the IFC file:







Now, how to set the color to a 2D IFC geometry? how to define de color of this closed line (see workspace and import file above) as property of the geometry so that the IFC writer can interpret the color correctly and write it to de IFC file?




im traying to colorize a 2D Geometrie in a IFC file.

the following workspace doesn't work

workspace: TEST_linien - Kopie.fmw

import file: TEST_linie_geschl_mit_bogen.dwg



probleme: the FeatureColorSetter sets the color not as property of the geometry (e.g. Traits). Therefore the can not set the color.


so the following 3 lines are missing in the IFC file:







Now, how to set the color to a 2D IFC geometry? how to define de color of this closed line (see workspace and import file above) as property of the geometry so that the IFC writer can interpret the color correctly and write it to de IFC file?




i'm still trying to color 2d geometries in iFC. Is it even possible with FME?
