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For example,

Because the ArcGis Portal publishing maybe failed because too many sub-layers. ( the writer will upload a GDB then publish it in the portal)

so to save the time for the publishing waiting time,

in a FMW, I want to create a process to create a FileGDB with multiple tables in it by difference process; just after the FileGDB created(100% finished), link this new FileGDB to a ArcGIS portal writer to publish it.

But currently the FileGDB writer can't add any process behind it. it is a dead end.

Anyway to do this?

At a higher level, writing to an FGDB, then re-reading it to then write to ArcGIS portal is probably pretty inefficient. I'm not sure why you would not just write to ArcGIS portal directly from the Workspace features. If the issue is instead sequencing then there are methods to control the order and sequence of different Writers.

But, to answer the question at hand, to write to an FGDB and re-read it is to use a FeatureWriter. This has an Output Port called "Summary" which creates a single feature. This can be connected to the "Initiator" port on a FeatureReader, which will then re-read the FGDB back in.
