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Our organization upgraded from FME Desktop and Server 2019.1 to 2020.1. We have a process in which users can select an area on the map and a FME workspace will run that will export data into a cad file (dwg) and a png file putting both files in a folder. We realized that the cad file does not include the reference to the png file since the upgrade. The workspace is showing a warning that "AutoCAD Writer: Failed to write raster. Skipping feature". I am not sure why the autocad writer is failing.

Has anyone else ran into this warning before? If so, what did you do to resolve it?

We were able to resolve this issue by upgrading the writer as it was using a reader from FME 2015. Changing the reader format from RealDWG to ACAD also proved to be effective.

As a best practice, when upgrading readers, transformers, or writers, consider backuping your workspace and review the parameter changes between versions.

Thanks for your help Chris. I was so glad to have a solution that worked for my organization.
