Some hints
1. Read the xyz file with a Textfilereader.
2. Create points for each file using a 3DPointReplacer
3. Load the file with city borders
4. Use a Clipper to clip points inside the city borders.
After that use the TextStroker on the z-value, ImageRasterizer and a rasterwriter.
Gives you some hints, but not the complete solution
Read the XYZ points, coerce them into points and clip them to the city boundry.
I dont really understand what you mean by 'those points on a distance of 100m" can you clarify?
Hi, Itay and SIgTill
It's not working. ill think i'm doing something wrong
Boundary = .shp and coord = .xyz
pointcloudcoercer just and then clipper and then a inspector. nothing written.
What's wrong? parameters clipper???
a line in the logfile gives this:
Clipper_Solid(SolidIntersectionFactory): No clipper supplied, all clipees will be treated as OUTSIDE
text reader csv x,y,z, 3dpointreplacer, shp boundary and then clipper. shp to clipper and point to clippee. Ispector to clipp..inside.
It's not working what's wrong
Clipper: Needs a Clipper AREA as input (make sure your CITY BORDERS are AREA and not only LINES, if they are LINES you should build an AREA of them before sending them to the clipper)
Make sure both CITY BORDERS and POINTS are in the same coordinate system.
Can you provide a SMALL sample containing SOME points and the CITY BORDERS file? (for instance upload it to and paste the link here).
I've uplaod some files . Maybe thay tell you more. Thanks.
Link to download page:
The boundry file supplied is not good, can you upload a new one?
Also the point file has the same Y values for all the points.
You can change the extention from csv to xyz and use the XYZ reader, much better performance.
Also extract the bounding box coordinates of the boundry and appliy that in the XYZ reader to minimize the amount of data.
Hoi Itay,
Here are the new files. Youre right file was wrong.
Go to to download the files.
Hi Jopie
I have sent you an e-mail with a suggested workspace. Just replace the inputfile with your file.
Hoi Sig Till,
Thanks, but i've got any email from you yet.
This email isn't large, i surpose?
Is it less than 8 Mb? More will be blocked by provider.
Nope, quite small actually. E-mail is: ?