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To all Autodesk'ler,

I have a DWT-file, which is noch an ordinary Autodesk template file, but an application module. I can open and read it with the Autodesk's 'Infractruscture Admin'. Editing it possible with 'Map3D', where you can see the representation definitions. Usually you are hosting your data in an oracle database and holding the representation in LAYER-files. With a DWT you now have everything in one file.

I already tried to open this file with the inspector - no success.

Does anyone has experience with this?




Hi @gpt_geoinfo​ ,


I can't say I've ever come across a file like this before so I'm not entirely sure what the best option would be here. By any chance would you be able to share a sample file so we can see if this is possible? If it can't be publicly shared, you can submit a support case so one of our specialists can look into this for you.


Are you unable to read the .dwt into FME at least or does that not read in either? I think it would be best to open this in C3D or AutoCAD to see if you can determine the path of the SQLite reference as I presume this is some sort of companion file. If so, and you are able to read in the dwt, you might be able to find the path to the companion file if it is referenced somewhere.


I was thinking you might be able to use 7zip to extract the contents of the dwt but it doesn't look like that is supported with dwt's like it is with our template files (.fmwt files).

Hi @gpt_geoinfo​ ,


I can't say I've ever come across a file like this before so I'm not entirely sure what the best option would be here. By any chance would you be able to share a sample file so we can see if this is possible? If it can't be publicly shared, you can submit a support case so one of our specialists can look into this for you.


Are you unable to read the .dwt into FME at least or does that not read in either? I think it would be best to open this in C3D or AutoCAD to see if you can determine the path of the SQLite reference as I presume this is some sort of companion file. If so, and you are able to read in the dwt, you might be able to find the path to the companion file if it is referenced somewhere.


I was thinking you might be able to use 7zip to extract the contents of the dwt but it doesn't look like that is supported with dwt's like it is with our template files (.fmwt files).

Hi @chrisatsafe​ ,

thanks for your reply!

Yes, I see the SQLite-path when opening it in AutoCAD Map3D. It extracts to C:/users/Cuser]/AppData/Local/Temp/Embedded/...

I tried to open it with 7zip, too - no success.

Well, in the meantime I can provide a sample file now.

Hop it helps!

Hi @chrisatsafe​ ,

thanks for your reply!

Yes, I see the SQLite-path when opening it in AutoCAD Map3D. It extracts to C:/users/ruser]/AppData/Local/Temp/Embedded/...

I tried to open it with 7zip, too - no success.

Well, in the meantime I can provide a sample file now.

Hop it helps!

Interesting. It looks like that sqlite file source is only available while the file is open in Map3D. One thing I can think of would be to have the file open in Map3D and then navigate to C:/users/ruser]/AppData/Local/Temp/Embedded/ and drag the file into workbench. If you set the format to SQLite, it should read in normally but not sure how we could get at that without the file being open unfortunately.
