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Hello everyone

I have a directory of PDF files and would like to select some of them for merging.

Is there a way of merging a list of PDF files to a multi-page PDF file?


Hi @shadowgun3108,

I noticed a similar question in our Forums that has some useful answers. Please take a look at Holly's suggestion here and if you are having any trouble reading in your whole pdf, perhaps Xiaomeng's method may work better for you.

Hi @shadowgun3108,

You can write multi-page PDF's by using the PDFPageFormatter transformer and setting the page number attribute. Please note: "a single PDFPageFormatter transformer is intended to format one page of a PDF document. Using multiple PDFPageFormatter transformers will allow writing to the same PDF document."


This will make your workspace look something like this.

Alternatively, you can write multiple pages using a single PDFPageFormatter by overwriting the pdf_page_nmber format attribute as mentioned in this thread or the PDFMultipageSet transformer from the FME Hub!

Hope this helps!
