So I have been trying to INSERT a ‘0’ value date using a FeatureWriter with MariaDB/MySQL compatible format into our MySQL DB, but I can’t seem to be able to do it. I keep getting the message the row is skipped because an “Invalid date/time value”.
I have tried using many different values for the ‘0’ date like ‘0000-00-00’ , ‘00000000’ with and without the single quotes but I keep getting the same behavior. I’ve also tried using different types of fields (varchar, date, datetime) in FME (but always keeping datetime in the DB) and still the same.
I tried using 00010101 and that one was accepted and it did actually loaded into the DB without problems. In the DB the field is Nullable and also accepts cero values, but I can’t seem to get it to work from FME.
Any ideas?.
Thanks in advance.