Featuretypename results in a autocadlayers in the dataset.
Datasetname would be the autocad file (dwg)
To do that u need ot use the Datasetfanout. R
ightclick on the autocadwritername in the
navigatorpane. Choose fanoutdataset...
set to yes, and fill out the parameters.
Thanks David, Gio.
What is the reasoning for this added bit of complexity?
In other words, why the inconsistency between writers?
There are two types of file-based data formats. 1) A file can contain only one feature type, e.g. SHP. 2) A file can contain multiple feature types (layers, tables ...), e.g. DWG.
Dataset conceptually is a data set of multiple feature types, so it will be: a folder for the 1st type; a file for the 2nd type. I think there is no inconsistency