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I have a Microstation DGN file, and inside it is an imported raster (not a referenced raster file). In FME this raster image is coming through as a nongeometric collection. How Do I go about extracting the raster file from the DGN so I can use it as a raster image? I have tried using the geometry filter, but since fme reads the raster as a nongeometric collection it thinks there is no geometry instead of filtering it through the raster port. Are there certain attributes that need to be set on the raster image in Microstation in order for fme to register it as a raster?

I don't think that DGN rasters are supported - although I think they could be. Can you send a sample design file to our support team and ask them to investigate? I think they will have to file an enhancement request, because I looked and couldn't find one.

Do you know the element type? I'm thinking 88 or 94 probably?

Hi @kwfortegis thanks for following up with Support as per Marks request. I have put in an enhancement request to see these dgn element types supported by FME. The raster/image is of element types 87 (header) and 88 (data), you might see a warning in your log file about FME skipping these elements as they are unsupported. For your information, the reference for this request is PR78052. If you'd like to see this in FME sooner tan later I suggest posting this as an idea and then linking the idea here so that other users can find it and vote on it!

Thank you @MattAtSafe for the suggestion. I have created an idea at the following link, if you are also interested in this issue please go to the link and support my idea! Thanks.

Thank you @MattAtSafe for the suggestion. I have created an idea at the following link, if you are also interested in this issue please go to the link and support my idea! Thanks.

Voted! Thanks for letting me know!


