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Hi all,
i know it will maybe an easy one….I’ve tried with substringextractor or with AttributeTrimmer as well but i couldnt reach the right result.

i have attribute like these for example:

he0_wasser_WSG_TK_20143_AGE_f_r01_231030 or

i have to split in this case “he0” and “ni0” and write that in an attribute x
i have to split “wasser” and “geobasisdaten” and write that in an attribute y

i have to split “AGE” in an attribute…….and so on

now comes the challenge:
the text between “wasser” or “geobasidaten” and the 5digit number (20143, 20256) has sometimes 2 words, sometimes 3 or 5 words…..but i have to write the whole text in an attribute z….ho can i do that?


i am not so well in regexp… i ask here for help


Thank you





Use the StringSearcher. Params e.g.



Advanced > Subexpression Matches List Name:


Test it and have a look at the list listname.



hmmm…..list was created but not right…….. fme_feature_type is the attribute to split

listname 0 is ok
listname 1 also ok
listname 2 should be Fliessgewaesser……….here in this case is only one word between second underscore and the 5 digit number (but there could also be 3 or 4 words)

listname 3 should be 20240 (is now listname 3)
listname 4 should be  AGE (is now listname 4) and so on


but we are on the way






I see, you change your post.

My answer is an example. The work is your part.

I would avoid intricate RegEx expressions. They are hard to debug and they do not work the same in every environment.

I have solved this using the following native tools:

  • AttributeSplitter splits attribute and puts every part between the underscores in a list item.
  • ListSearcher searches the list using RegEx for 5 digits and returns 5_digit_number_index.
  • ListExploder explodes list.
  • Tester filters out the first two elements (index 0 and 1) and all the elements that share the same index or higher as the 5_digit_number_index.
  • Aggregator (grouped by ID) aggregates all list features together and creates a new list (Generate List: z_list).
  • Finally the ListConcatenator creates the output string of all string elements between the first two elements and the 5 digit number.


I see, you change your post.

My answer is an example. The work is your part.


i know that this is only an example……..but i would need the part “gemischte_industrie_gewerbe_flaechen” also together in one list attribute

I would avoid intricate RegEx expressions. They are hard to debug and they do not work the same in every environment.

I have solved this using the following native tools:

  • AttributeSplitter splits attribute and puts every part between the underscores in a list item.
  • ListSearcher searches the list using RegEx for 5 digits and returns 5_digit_number_index.
  • ListExploder explodes list.
  • Tester filters out the first two elements (index 0 and 1) and all the elements that share the same index or higher as the 5_digit_number_index.
  • Aggregator (grouped by ID) aggregates all list features together and creates a new list (Generate List: z_list).
  • Finally the ListConcatenator creates the output string of all string elements between the first two elements and the 5 digit number.


That do the work for me….thank you….but the listconcatenator is not necessary because to concatenate the attributes inside the aggregator also do the work

thx a lot and cheers

