I am trying to automate a process whereby I download data from my sql server enterprise geodatabase in both spatial and non-spatial format. Currently I have implemented one fme workbench (.fmw) which belongs one ESRI (ArcSDE) reader , which contains all the spatial and non-spatial table list as input parameter, along with I have following published parameters for input:
a. Dest_Format (GML, KML, Shape, ESRI-JSON, SQLite, CSV)
b. DEST_COORDSYS: DHDN, WGS, Tranverse, ...)
c. Email Adress:(for sending the data download link)
I am strugling currently with downloading as csv format, and it is creating csv file without column names, and storing also the fme_feature_type information. All the tables downloaded as spatial format is working well. Pelase give me a way thus I can download the csv and other non-spatial format perfectly.
Can anyone help me? @takashi
Many many thanks.