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I have one spatial point feature class(X) having 10 records with


unique id (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).


I Have one object table(Non-Spatial) (Y) having 25 records with foreign key





So my question is can I create spatial feature class of (Y) which is Non-Spatial, using spatial feature class (X)  by Using any FME transformer.



Now i am having X-feature class with 10 records graphically.



I want to have Y as a spatial feature class with 25 records using


X-feature class geometry.



I have Data Interoperabality tool.
Hi,   The FeatureMerger transformer would be helpful in this case. Input class(X) to REQUESTER, class(Y) to SUPPLIER, specify 'Requester / Supplier Join Attribute' (i.e. join key) and 'List Name' parameters of the FeatureMerger. The transformer then will output matched class(X) features from COMPLETE port, each feature has a list attribute containing matched class(Y) attributes. After this, using the ListExploder, you can get copied features of the same number as the number of the list elements. Each exploded feature retains attributes of the merged class(Y) feature.


