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I read an Excel (.xslx) file with several worksheets in it.

I specify 2 Feature Types to read, i.e. I want to read 2 out of 8 available worksheets.

I get the data I want and so far so good.


What I do not like is, that I get hundreds of WARNINGS for all kinds of problems which seem to exists in the worksheets I don't read.

e.g. WARN |A required column was not found in the table. Row xxx will be skipped


I did not want to read them and I don't care about anything in those other worksheets.

Is there a way to silence the warnings for worksheets I don't read ?

I don't understand why they are processed anyhow ...




Hi Michael,

An option in the FME Options exist to filter log messages and not show Warnings, but that will disable all warnings:


These settings for the Excel Reader can also help:

Reading blank cells as Null instead of missing can avoid some warnings.

Warnings are quite often the result of empty records at the end of the list that is read. Using the End Row setting the read can be stopped before hitting the empty rows.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the hints.

The "Read blank cells as" option doesn't help. I tried both variants.

Start/End Row settings are no options, as the Excel contents may vary anytime.

So I consider this a weakness of the Excel format itself or the Excel reader.

Thanks for the hints.

The "Read blank cells as" option doesn't help. I tried both variants.

Start/End Row settings are no options, as the Excel contents may vary anytime.

So I consider this a weakness of the Excel format itself or the Excel reader.

Well, digging a bit more into this ...

it helped to delete all worksheets I don't use

but 150 warnings remained, without me having an idea why.


Last resort: It may have to do with "splitting Feature tables ..." and the magic related to that turbo approach ...

Still: it is annoying !


@mhab Can you include a sample of your spreadsheet and the configuration of your excel reader. Then we can try and reproduce the problem here. We'd like to suppress these kind of spurious log messages if we can.

Hello Mark

The reason seems to be a SchemaMapper which uses one of the Excel worksheets.

I sent a sample workspace and data to support for further clarification.

