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I would gladly post answers to XML questions if I could, but some users tend to attach a full or invalid XML document regarding their question, so, honestly, I'm tired from parsing the full/invalid XML to find out the parts which are necessary to understand the question correctly.

Could you please add a notification here about how to ask a question regarding XML? If there were such a notification, I could prompt that in my comment or answer.


How to get a quick answer to your question on XML

If you want to know how to extract specific values or parts from XML, how to modify some parts of XML, or how to filter features based on values within XML, it's recommended that you post XML fragments which are simplified to understand your requirement quickly.

  1. Extract your interest XML fragment from the source XML document with the XMLFragmenter.
  2. Convert the XML fragment to a Pretty-Print (human readable) one with the XMLFormatter.
  3. Using a text editor such as Notepad++, simplify the Pretty-Print XML fragment so that it contains only parts which are necessary to explain your requirement.
  4. Validate the simplified XML fragment with the XMLValidator. If it failed, modify the fragment properly.
  5. Paste the simplified and valid XML fragment within CODE block or insert it as an attachment, and also add comments to explain your requirement specifically.

If your requirement is to modify the source XML fragment to create a new XML fragment, also post your desired destination XML fragment example corresponding to the source.

Hi @takashi.

Thank you for composing how to get help with XML guidelines. I could post the guidelines as an article, or as a Q&A; question, and then anyone could refer users to it.

Hi @takashi.

Thank you for composing how to get help with XML guidelines. I could post the guidelines as an article, or as a Q&A; question, and then anyone could refer users to it.

Thanks for your consideration.

