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My goal is to provide a live updating KML file to be displayed in Google Earth for Chrome. My process is to create a KML file and then upload to Google Drive. The problem is that the new upload becomes a new file with a new location, so Google Earth doesn't know where the latest KML file is. Instead, I just want to update the existing file. Maybe GoogleDriveConnector doesn't have that functionality?

One option would be to create a Google Drive API Python Script, but that doesn't seem very FME-ey.

Thank you for your assistance.

Seems like you're looking for us to support "update" from the Google Drive API.

That seems replace the contents of an existing Drive file "in place".

But I'm curious if that will cause the file to refresh. If you could use the old "network link" with a refresh and point that at a file path that you change, perhaps you could get the same result? (i.e. have one small KML file that you use in Google Earth which in turn points to the file with the data. In the small one you set a refresh interval -- -- in days of old this was how things got moving inside of Google Earth. No idea if the modern Google Earth implementations work with this or not.

Seems like you're looking for us to support "update" from the Google Drive API.

That seems replace the contents of an existing Drive file "in place".

But I'm curious if that will cause the file to refresh. If you could use the old "network link" with a refresh and point that at a file path that you change, perhaps you could get the same result? (i.e. have one small KML file that you use in Google Earth which in turn points to the file with the data. In the small one you set a refresh interval -- -- in days of old this was how things got moving inside of Google Earth. No idea if the modern Google Earth implementations work with this or not.

Google Earth for Chrome supports "simple network links". When you import a network link, a little cloud icon appears. More testing is required to see if the refresh rate is supported.

Google Earth for Chrome supports "simple network links". When you import a network link, a little cloud icon appears. More testing is required to see if the refresh rate is supported.

Do keep us posted.

Do keep us posted.

Upon further testing, it doesn't look like a google drive update will work for my purpose. Instead, the better solution is to host the data kml file on an external site and use a network link kml -- still not an ideal solution.



Bad: Update google drive file directly and import to GE4C (google earth for chrome)


The most obvious solution to live tracking is just directly edit the kml file that GE4C has imported. However GE4C seems to use some kind of caching so it would take full page refreshing to


see the updated data.

Even worse: Import a network link file that links to the data kml file hosted on google drive

It seems intuitive to stay within the google ecosytem, but Google disabled web hosting from Drive-- instead files are downloaded instead. As far as I can work out, it just won't work.

Okay: Host the data kml file on an external web hosting service. Import a network link file.

I couldn't get any of the refresh intervals to work, so refresh is manual. However GE4C offers a refresh option so the user doesn't need to do a full page refresh. The additional benefit is that the external kml file can also be displayed in old Google Earth as a backup.

