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Hi. I am trying to take a 3D model that is build with several grouped geometries into components. Source format is flexible, but say I have an OBJ file with "g" lines in it that define groupings of parts of my model.


I can't seem to see these groupings in FME or export them into 3D tiles - I get one single group for the entire output model.

Do you have an attribute to build the groups on? If so, try passing your data through an Aggregator and setting the Group By parameter before writing out to Cesium 3D Tiles



Thanks Chris.

Let me explain better:

  • I have an FBX file with 96 grouped items in it.
  • When I open it using the FBX reader it correctly shows the number (96) next to it.
  • When I look at the Visual Preview / Table panel - I see a table with 96 items .
  • If I look in Feature Information Panel, I can see the property that indeed describes the item under "IFMEAggregate(Geometry Instance)" > "Name"

So the question is - how do I map the "Name" field from these items to the 3D tile feature writer ?



Thanks Chris.

Let me explain better:

  • I have an FBX file with 96 grouped items in it.
  • When I open it using the FBX reader it correctly shows the number (96) next to it.
  • When I look at the Visual Preview / Table panel - I see a table with 96 items .
  • If I look in Feature Information Panel, I can see the property that indeed describes the item under "IFMEAggregate(Geometry Instance)" > "Name"

So the question is - how do I map the "Name" field from these items to the 3D tile feature writer ?


Ah I see, you'll need to use the GeometryPropertyExtractor to extract the Geometry Name Property. Alternatively, you can also do this in the Deaggregator which may be preferred if you want to extract the Name for each part. In this case, the Deaggregator will expose the geometry name property by default.


If you are working with features that have multiple parts, the GeometryPartExtractor will simply extract the name to a list.
