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In every red point I'm trying to create a line, parallel to the blue line.

So far I used a linebuilder to create a profile line.


Then I created a point at the intersection of the blue line and profile line.


Next I would like to know the direction of the blue line at the intersection point.

Anyone tips?

This question might help you get started.


Hi @tessa,


You might find the PolylineAnalyzer helpful as well. It can return angles of line segments.


Hope this helps!



Do you need to create lines each of which starts from the red points, is parallel to the blue line and also has the same direction as the blue line?

Do you need to create lines each of which starts from the red points, is parallel to the blue line and also has the same direction as the blue line?

Hi Takashi, The lines need to be 30meter in length with the red point as midpoint.



I found a way to get my lines. I used the labeller to find the direction of the line. However, the PolylineAnalyzer seems to work as well 🙂


Hi @tessa,


You might find the PolylineAnalyzer helpful as well. It can return angles of line segments.


Hope this helps!


Thanks Nathan! I found that one before, but did not understand how to use it.



Now it works :)



Thanks! This one helped me understand the PolylineAnalyzer 🙂


