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I want to convert JPEG file (4 band) to COG with below parameter:

I have problem with “Interleaving Type”:

When i chooses “BIP”, i received a message log:

COG writer: JPEG compression supports at most 3 bands with BIP interleaving. Please change the interleaving to BSQ, choose another compression method, or reduce the number of bands

When i chooses “BSQ”, i received a message log:

COG writer: The file layout 'Cloud Optimized Tiles' may only be used with BIP interleaving. Please change the interleaving to BIP or select a different file layout

I need to convert JPEG file to COG with compression method “JPEG” and keep alpha band.

Can i do that? Am I mistaken about something?

I am using FME 2021 and COG was not yet an option in that version.

So I downloaded GDAL COG library and do these conversions with that library, within FME.

import fme
import fmeobjects
import subprocess
import os
import mimetypes

class FeatureProcessor(object):
def __init__(self):
print("Initialise Python GDAL Conversion Library")
# Path to folder containing GDAL
gdal_folder = FME_MacroValues['GdalDir']
os.environ["GDAL_DATA"] = os.path.join(gdal_folder, 'data')
self.gdal_translate = os.path.join(gdal_folder, "bin", "gdal_translate.exe")

options_cog_with_alpha = ["-of","COG" ,
"-co","BLOCKSIZE=512" ,

def input(self, feature):
print("Start Feature Conversion with GDAL to COG")

file_dir = feature.getAttribute("LocalWorkDir")
input_filename = feature.getAttribute("LocalFileName")
output_folder = 'Converted'
output_filename = feature.getAttribute("NewLocalFileName") + ".tif"

input_file = os.path.join(file_dir, input_filename)
output_file = os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder, output_filename)

# Check if output directory exits, else create it
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder)):
print("Creating directory:", os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder))

print("Converting file:", input_file)
print("to location:", output_file)

# Run GDAL Translate to convert to COG[self.gdal_translate] + self.options_cog_with_alpha + [input_file, output_file])

# Set MIME type attribute for the output file
feature.setAttribute("ContentType", "image/tiff")

print("Conversion to COG completed.")

def close(self):

I had AI strip the code to the bare basics. But this is an example of using the External GDAL Lib.

At start I used the GDAL Python module, but that did not have the functions I wanted to use.

import fme
import fmeobjects
import subprocess
import os
import mimetypes

class FeatureProcessor(object):
def __init__(self):
print("Initialise Python GDAL Conversion Library")
# Path to folder containing GDAL
gdal_folder = FME_MacroValues['GdalDir']
os.environ["GDAL_DATA"] = os.path.join(gdal_folder, 'data')
self.gdal_translate = os.path.join(gdal_folder, "bin", "gdal_translate.exe")

options_cog_with_alpha = ["-of","COG" ,
"-co","BLOCKSIZE=512" ,

def input(self, feature):
print("Start Feature Conversion with GDAL to COG")

file_dir = feature.getAttribute("LocalWorkDir")
input_filename = feature.getAttribute("LocalFileName")
output_folder = 'Converted'
output_filename = feature.getAttribute("NewLocalFileName") + ".tif"

input_file = os.path.join(file_dir, input_filename)
output_file = os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder, output_filename)

# Check if output directory exits, else create it
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder)):
print("Creating directory:", os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(file_dir, output_folder))

print("Converting file:", input_file)
print("to location:", output_file)

# Run GDAL Translate to convert to COG[self.gdal_translate] + self.options_cog_with_alpha + [input_file, output_file])

# Set MIME type attribute for the output file
feature.setAttribute("ContentType", "image/tiff")

print("Conversion to COG completed.")

def close(self):

I had AI strip the code to the bare basics. But this is an example of using the External GDAL Lib.

At start I used the GDAL Python module, but that did not have the functions I wanted to use.

Thanks for your response.

I have tried to use your code and I also tried to use my code with GDAL lib, but both of them don’t work as expected. It just has 3 bands without Alpha band.

Perhaps COG doesn’t have the function for converting alpha band with compression JPEG.

I want to use COG on my geoserver to remove the black border after georeferencing RASTER with the smallest size.

Do you have any suggestions for me?

Maybe try LERC compression?

Maybe try LERC compression?

I tried all of compression and I found that JPEG is the best compression in my case.

All remaining methods produce results with large capacity
