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Do we have a method to color the sum of count .

I did a sum and I converted my output to csv file then I read it again but I want to color the background of the sum of count result at column B

But I do not know how to do it ,I tried @value(count)

But it does not work Bcs the file written in csv and read it again by feature reader. At the end write to excel file


Fme version 2018

Could some one help me and thanks

Hi @gogopotter90, if you want to set background color of cells in the destination Excel spreadsheet, the ExcelStyler transformer might help you.

Hi @gogopotter90, if you want to set background color of cells in the destination Excel spreadsheet, the ExcelStyler transformer might help you.

bcs i am using A B C attributes names in feature reader that only what i see when i want to select attribute in excel writer ,i am not able to see any attribute of sum of column what i did before writing in csv .

do we hav method to show the previous attributes .?

and nw excel file it shows me the value of sum so i willl not be able to use excel writer to change if it finds value bcs input ecel for sure will change so the value will change .

or is it possible,like i can do for each table last row of the table of the sum change it to specific color or what should i do and thanks for help

Hi @gogopotter90, if you want to set background color of cells in the destination Excel spreadsheet, the ExcelStyler transformer might help you.

Do you need to create Excel table look like this?

i have three seperated tables

every table under another one

first table has two attribute A B

B :count

empty row between table and sum value them sum is the last value of the second attribute plus empty row


second table has 3 attributes

count is the third attribute so sum at the last row of the third attribute plus empty row

because i did empty row between sum and table

the third table consistes of 8 attruibutes ,two of them have count deend o nattribute and the sum is the last row and no empty row between last row and table

i need only the backgrounf of value of sum to get new color


FME version 2018

Thanks for help




i have three seperated tables

every table under another one

first table has two attribute A B

B :count

empty row between table and sum value them sum is the last value of the second attribute plus empty row


second table has 3 attributes

count is the third attribute so sum at the last row of the third attribute plus empty row

because i did empty row between sum and table

the third table consistes of 8 attruibutes ,two of them have count deend o nattribute and the sum is the last row and no empty row between last row and table

i need only the backgrounf of value of sum to get new color


FME version 2018

Thanks for help




The current ExcelStyler supports only column-based style setting, like this.

I don't think row-based style setting below is supported unfortunately.

Please add a feedback to this Idea and vote up it.

FME 2018: Allow to set style to individual cells with ExcelStyler

i have three seperated tables

every table under another one

first table has two attribute A B

B :count

empty row between table and sum value them sum is the last value of the second attribute plus empty row


second table has 3 attributes

count is the third attribute so sum at the last row of the third attribute plus empty row

because i did empty row between sum and table

the third table consistes of 8 attruibutes ,two of them have count deend o nattribute and the sum is the last row and no empty row between last row and table

i need only the backgrounf of value of sum to get new color


FME version 2018

Thanks for help




Sorry. the Entire Row option in the Apply To parameter might be available.
