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Mongodb supports EPSG 4326 by default you can specify a custom crs :


My workflow is simple : geopackage to mongodb.


I tried :

  • Specify source and destination projection : no effect (data are in 4326 in mongo)
  • Extract geometry (projected in 2154) and store in attribute geometry2 but there is no json type (or even geometry type).
  • Extract geometry and write it in a geometry attribute : fme returns an error.


Hi @Pierre Bodin​ thanks for your question! I'm personally not sure the best solution for this, although I am curious -- what was the error returned by FME when you extracted the geometry and tried to write it to a geometry attribute?

I also want to make sure that you are trying to write to a new MongoDB and set the projection, not an existing DB?

Sorry for late response !


Here is the error :

MONGODB3 writer: CreateFeature(): Can't extract geo keys: ... : generic server error


I create a new collection (not a new DB but seems fine ? )
