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Is there a way to set headers for the HTTP call? Ironically I am trying to call the FME Server API, so I need to set, for example,


Authorization: token fmetoken=YourTokenHere


Hi @ld,


Thanks for your question. I don't believe 'custom' headers are supported at this time. But I will check in with our development team and also find out if we have plans to add this in the future.



In the meantime are you able to use those HTTP Authentication parameters for authorization instead? There are also a couple of other options documented: Notably you could attach the token as a query string parameter (eg.

Hope this helps,




Hi @ld,


Thanks for your question. I don't believe 'custom' headers are supported at this time. But I will check in with our development team and also find out if we have plans to add this in the future.



In the meantime are you able to use those HTTP Authentication parameters for authorization instead? There are also a couple of other options documented: Notably you could attach the token as a query string parameter (eg.

Hope this helps,




Thanks @nathanatsafe, I do also need to set the Content-Type so would need these headers. I'll make the call in a scheduled workspace instead.
