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is there a way to access a value of GML xlink:role property? I can access other xlink properties such as href and title but not this one.

Thanks for suggestions.

Hello @honkovam,

One option that can be used to access the GML xlink:role property, would consist of the following:



1) Add an XML reader with the Feature path set to Geometry.


2) Use a FeatureMerger to merge the GML features with the XML geometry attributes based on the ID. This should allow you to see all features then.



I hope that helps for the time being.

Normally we ignore some of these optional schema elements because they are very seldom used. However, if you need access to this, you can carefully modify your gml_config.xml in your FME installation. I recommend backing up the original before modifying anything.

  1. Go to FME2018.0\\xml\\gml_v3.2
  2. Back up your gml_config.xml
  3. Go to line 211 ( in version 2018.0.1) and comment out the role line by replacing '<v>role</v>' with '<!-- <v>role</v> no longer ignore role -->'
  4. Save and restart FME

The next time you add any GML based reader, if your data has xlink:role attributes, then the GML reader should pick them up. If you feel this is an option that should be part of the default INSPIRE or GML readers, I would invite you to add a new Community Idea to that effect. I'm attaching my gml_config.xml as an example. Below you can see a feature being read with xlink:role values:


Normally we ignore some of these optional schema elements because they are very seldom used. However, if you need access to this, you can carefully modify your gml_config.xml in your FME installation. I recommend backing up the original before modifying anything.

  1. Go to FME2018.0\\xml\\gml_v3.2
  2. Back up your gml_config.xml
  3. Go to line 211 ( in version 2018.0.1) and comment out the role line by replacing '<v>role</v>' with '<!-- <v>role</v> no longer ignore role -->'
  4. Save and restart FME

The next time you add any GML based reader, if your data has xlink:role attributes, then the GML reader should pick them up. If you feel this is an option that should be part of the default INSPIRE or GML readers, I would invite you to add a new Community Idea to that effect. I'm attaching my gml_config.xml as an example. Below you can see a feature being read with xlink:role values:


Hi @DeanAtSafe, thanks a lot for your help, works a treat.

