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Hello everyone.

I know there are several questions posted about this same topic but I can't seem to get things working for my particular KML/XML description. I used this tutorial to get most of the way there:

I posted there in a comment but I figured I'd start a new question since this is more specific.

I'm stuck on getting either the XQuery or the XML flattener to work. When I convert the description to XML, this is how it is formatted:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"



<html xmlns="">









<b>V18279201018990_000.jpg</b><br />


<i>Latitude:</i> 37.424416°<br />


<i>Longitude:</i> -82.930091°<br />


<i>Roll:</i> -15.832788°<br />


<i>Pitch:</i> 1.726352°<br />


<i>Heading:</i> 161.467052;<br />


<i>Height:</i> 230.000<br />


<i>GPS Week sec:</i> 591967.285977;0.000





I need to extract the name of the image, Lat/Long, and Pitch/Roll and Height as attributes. I am just not sure with how to pull out this particular format as it is different than other examples I have seen.

Using the XML flattener, I can set the "Elements to Match" to "body" and attributes to expose to "b" and that gives me the name of the image. What I can't figure out is how to set it up the get the other attributes since they aren't really set up in tags like the tutorial example.

Thank You,




There may be some possible ways. One is to use two StringSearchers to extract attribute names and values and populate them into two lists separately.

This workflow saves attribute names and values into two lists called "_label{}.part" and "_value{}.part", for example.

Regular Expressions:

1st StringSearcher: <i>(.+?):</i>\s*.+?<|$
2nd StringSearcher: <i>.+?:</i>\s*(.+?)<|$


You can then create non-list attributes from the two lists. See this thread.

Dynamically create attributes using two lists: one with labels and one with values

It's an advanced use of the XMLXQueryExtractor. Assuming that the HTML document is stores in an attribute called "_html" and "" is declared as the default namespace in the document.

XQuery Expression:

declare default element namespace "";
fme:set-attribute('Image', data(//body/b)),
for $i in //body/i
let $name := replace(data($i), '^(.+?):?$', '$1')
let $value := normalize-space($i/following-sibling::text()Â1])
return fme:set-attribute($name, $value)



It's an advanced use of the XMLXQueryExtractor. Assuming that the HTML document is stores in an attribute called "_html" and "" is declared as the default namespace in the document.

XQuery Expression:

declare default element namespace "";
fme:set-attribute('Image', data(//body/b)),
for $i in //body/i
let $name := replace(data($i), '^(.+?):?$', '$1')
let $value := normalize-space($i/following-sibling::text()Â1])
return fme:set-attribute($name, $value)



Thank you, Takashi, that did the trick. I really appreciate your help with that query.
