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My workbench that reads/writes geotiffs worked great until I upgraded to 2019. I thought it was a writer issue, but it turns out it is an issue with the reader. The input geotiff is an ortho generated by Agisoft Metashape software. Viewing the geotiff in FME 2018 (or Arc or QGIS), it looks correct. Viewing in FME 2019, it looks very different with lots of banding and altered pixel values. I have attached 2 screenshots - 2018_good and 2019_bad to show the difference. This is the exact same file, yet FME 2019 reads it (and writes it) very differently. I have viewed geotiffs from other sources in FME 2019 and they read correctly, so there must be something different about these particular files from metashape.. but why does FME 2018 have no issue with them?

Test image -

I did read the "good-2018.jpg" with a JPEG reader and just wrote it with a GeoTIFF in FME 2019.0.1 build 19253. This is the result, and it seems to be fine: rgb.tif

Could you please elaborate how the bad geotiff has been created?

I did read the "good-2018.jpg" with a JPEG reader and just wrote it with a GeoTIFF in FME 2019.0.1 build 19253. This is the result, and it seems to be fine: rgb.tif

Could you please elaborate how the bad geotiff has been created?

Thanks @takashi, I have updated my post because I found that the issue is with the 2019 geotiff reader, not the writer.

Thanks for the update. I was able to reproduce the issue with FME 2019.0.1 build 19253 and 2019.1 beta build 19565. In my observation, the issue would appear when the source GeoTIFF file has 2 bands (Gray8 and Alpha8). If the file has only 1 band (Gray8), seems to be fine.

Could you please take a closer look at this? @dmitribagh, @daleatsafe

These files have been created with FME 2018.1.2.0. The issue appears on 2-Band files if you read them with FME 2019, regardless whether the file has pyramids. FME 2018 can read all fine.

2-Band (Gray8 and Alpha8)

  • 2band_no_pyramids.tif
  • 2band_with_pyramids.tif

1-Band (Gray8)

  • 1band_no_pyramids.tif
  • 1band_with_pyramids.tif

@decka34, @takashi,

yes, this looks like a bug. We didn't touch the reader for FME 2019 release, but we upgraded the underlying library - that may cause the error. I must say, the file cannot be read by a few other programs I have on my machine. I filed the problem as FMEENGINE-60208.

Here is what I did to make it correctly readable in FME 2019 (I understand, it's not a proper way of fixing the problem) - I opened the file in FME 2018, removed all geotiff format attributes and saved as a new geotiff - after that, the files opens correctly in FME 2019 and other programs such as Windows Viewer and Paint.Net


@decka34, @takashi,

yes, this looks like a bug. We didn't touch the reader for FME 2019 release, but we upgraded the underlying library - that may cause the error. I must say, the file cannot be read by a few other programs I have on my machine. I filed the problem as FMEENGINE-60208.

Here is what I did to make it correctly readable in FME 2019 (I understand, it's not a proper way of fixing the problem) - I opened the file in FME 2018, removed all geotiff format attributes and saved as a new geotiff - after that, the files opens correctly in FME 2019 and other programs such as Windows Viewer and Paint.Net


Thanks for filing the PR. Hope the issue will be resolved in the near future.

@decka34, @takashi,

yes, this looks like a bug. We didn't touch the reader for FME 2019 release, but we upgraded the underlying library - that may cause the error. I must say, the file cannot be read by a few other programs I have on my machine. I filed the problem as FMEENGINE-60208.

Here is what I did to make it correctly readable in FME 2019 (I understand, it's not a proper way of fixing the problem) - I opened the file in FME 2018, removed all geotiff format attributes and saved as a new geotiff - after that, the files opens correctly in FME 2019 and other programs such as Windows Viewer and Paint.Net


Thanks @dmitribagh and @takashi for looking into this. Very helpful.

Hi @decka34 and @takashi

I'm pleased to let you know this issue has been fixed in the recent 2019.1 builds (19599 and higher). You can access our most recent installers at

Please note this issue only affected FME 2019.0 builds for the 64-bit Windows platform.
