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I am using a PostGIS reader for a table with geometry type "Point". Once the workspace generated, the feature doesn't have the geometry attribute anymore, does anyone knows why?

Hi @varr, the PostGIS reader automatically transforms the value stored in a geometry type column into a geometry data (a point in your case), and won't preserve the original value as an attribute. I think you can see a point shape on FME Data Inspector if you connect an Inspector to the reader and run the workspace. If you need to retrieve the geometry column valud as a string in binary representation, try using the PostgreSQL reader instead of the PostGIS reader.

The geometry attributes aren't shown in the workspace, as the geometry is a separate property of each feature and represented separately.

If you send the features from the reader to an Inspector, can you see the geometries there? If yes, then everything is as expected.

Indeed, I just send the features to an Inspector and the result is what I expect. Also I am using the transformer "reframe projector" and when sending the result to an Inspector it works too.

But when I try to give the result to the writer, the translation fails. It tells me that the writer couldn't find the spatial column "geom" in the table. So the problem might com from the writer (also PostGIS writer)??

Indeed, I just send the features to an Inspector and the result is what I expect. Also I am using the transformer "reframe projector" and when sending the result to an Inspector it works too.

But when I try to give the result to the writer, the translation fails. It tells me that the writer couldn't find the spatial column "geom" in the table. So the problem might com from the writer (also PostGIS writer)??

The ReframeReprojector probably isn't the reason for this error. Is it possible that the table alreads exists in the database? If so, it could be that the database definition does not match the definition in FME and you will probably either have to import the table definition into FME (Writer / Import Feature types) or set the Writer to drop and re-create the table definition for you, e.g.

