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GeoDatabase writer works on desktop, but fails on server ?



I have a workspace, that exports a number of database tables to a File GeoDatabase.

The workspace uses a FeatureReader and a Writer with three dynamic featuretypes (for point, line and polygon features). The writer is “Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb Open API)”.

When I run it in Desktop(Form) 2020.2, it works perfectly.
When I run it as a job on Server(Flow) 2022.2, all features issues a warning, e.g.

FileGDB Writer: A feature with feature type `HOERSHOLM_Afløbskomponent_point' could not be written

I’ve tried running it in Desktop 2022.2, and this apparently doesn’t work either.
I’ve tried to upload the workspace from here, but this still fails the same way.

The output path is a UNC path to a ZIP file.
Does the FileGDB writer have an issue with 2022.2 or any of the above details ?

  • Influencer
  • January 28, 2025

Is the output path hard coded or parameterised? I think i ran into something once, where I had to recreate the folder parameter in a newer version of FME for it to work correctly

ebygomm wrote:

Is the output path hard coded or parameterised?

Good call.

They are indeed parameterised. E.g. @Value(fme_feature_type)_point

I have myself run into other places, where parameters aren’t working properly. FeatureReader/Feature Types and XMLTemplater/Root Expression comes to my mind.

Any Safers with an insight on this?



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