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FME: 2018, build 18220

If I read from gdb (Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb)) no features are read with option "Individual Feature Type". With option "Single Merged Feature Type" feature will be normal read. The DataInspector works normal.

It's a bug?

What have you defined under "Feature types to read"?

Hi @tomfriedl, I have been able to read a file geodatabase in b18220 with no issues. When selecting individual feature types, are you prompted with the table list to select which feature types to read? Are there feature types listed?

The Errror-message is:

Could not find the features in the table 'allg_hilfe_linie'. One possible reason is that a WHERE clause was specified that references a column/field that does not exist in the table. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147220648'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {A column was specified that does not exist.}

With FME 2017 there are no problems. "Feature types to read" is unset. Change to "allg_hilfe_linie" changes nothing.

The Errror-message is:

Could not find the features in the table 'allg_hilfe_linie'. One possible reason is that a WHERE clause was specified that references a column/field that does not exist in the table. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147220648'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {A column was specified that does not exist.}

With FME 2017 there are no problems. "Feature types to read" is unset. Change to "allg_hilfe_linie" changes nothing.

Hi @tomfriedl, are you able to upload the workspace here? Otherwise, can you please submit a support ticket?
