
FME writing strings as utf-16 in File gdb

  • 29 March 2018
  • 6 replies


I am trying to write to a file geodatabase and I need the strings stored as 8 bit characters. When I write to the gdb they being written as utf-16.

I have tried using the attribute encoder to set the encoding to utf-8 but it still get written as utf-16. I am using a feature writer with the DEFAULTS keyword which should store text as utf-8 according to the documentation. Is there a way to enforce that text data be written as UTF8.


6 replies

Badge +16

File GDB data in memory is always UTF-16, if a keyword determines a different format on disk then conversion takes place at read or write time. @SteveAtSafe


No I have been in contact with esri the default is utf-8.


File GDB data in memory is always UTF-16, if a keyword determines a different format on disk then conversion takes place at read or write time. @SteveAtSafe

Why would there be a UTF-16 keyword if the default is UTF-16



Badge +11

@mapper Thanks for joining me on LiveChat today. Thanks also for doing the leg work to discover the Esri Doc is correct and the text should be UTF8.

There does appear to be an issue with how FME is writing text to either File Geodatabase formats. The default is intended to be UTF8 (since 10.2) but FME is writing as UTF16. This is at least what I have learned to be true. Either way I don't have a solution or a workaround for you.

Stay tuned.

Badge +11

We are investigating a possibility that the data is indeed written correctly (UTF8), but that FME is reading the data as UTF16 incorrectly.


@mapper Thanks for joining me on LiveChat today. Thanks also for doing the leg work to discover the Esri Doc is correct and the text should be UTF8.

There does appear to be an issue with how FME is writing text to either File Geodatabase formats. The default is intended to be UTF8 (since 10.2) but FME is writing as UTF16. This is at least what I have learned to be true. Either way I don't have a solution or a workaround for you.

Stay tuned.

is there an update to this? How does one write to gdb as UTF8?

