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FME Server process does not start FMEServerJobSubmitter




I have a few workspaces that are triggered in one main workspace to work in series. In my FME desktop the process runs perfect.



Now the plan is to move the complete workflow to FME Server.


All workspaces run perfect when started seperately. Now the issue is getting the integrated workspace working. I changed the workspacerunners to FMEServerJobSubmitters. But when running the main workspace the first workspace from the FMEServerJobSubmitter is queued. Only when killing the main, the second is started.



Any suggestion on this one?

Additionally, I have just one engine running.

Using FMEServerWorkspaceRunners does the trick but in this case it is not possible to fill the parameters for each FMEServerWorkspaceRunner based on parameters and/or attributes from the main workspace.


By using FMEServerJobSubmitters this possible, but there the issue is that the workspaces are queued.

FME 2014 should be able to do this (in fact I've been doing exactly that this morning). What version are you running?

I'm running 2014 SP1 as i read that this should be possible from 2014.



Did you use FMEServerWorkspaceRunners or FMEServerJobSubmitters

  • June 17, 2014



I had the same problem. This was a bug in SP1 and is fixed in 2014 SP2.




I'm using the FMEServerJobSubmitter, as you pointed out the FMEServerWorkspaceRunner doesn't allow the child workspace parameters to be set dynamically.

  • June 18, 2014
Are you using the URL in the fmejobsubmitter? If so, you might be running into this issue. When the job submitter send off the job, it thinks it is sending it off to another server because it doesn't figure out that the URL is actually itself. It is then waiting and the second job comes in and queues, but the first job is waiting for the response of that second job (and it's not going to get it!)



the way around it, is to set the it to a direct connection (say localhost on 7071) and then the server knows it is actually sending to the same server.

thanks for all the replys



I'll do some more testing after my hollidays.


Ill come back to you with some feedback

Hi all,



Thanks for the feedback.



I'm not using the URL in FMEServerJobSubmitter.


I'm using FME Server 2014 SP1 on Linux.


Hans, can you confirm what Thomas is mentioning (bug in 2014 SP1 and fixed in SP2?




  • July 3, 2014
Yes I can confirm from Safe there was an issue with FMEServerJobSubmitter on Linux identified by our testing team in FME Server SP1. This was confirmed fixed in FME Server SP2 Build 14337 or later.

Ok, thanks



We'll try to upgrade to SP2

ok, we upgraded to SP2 (build 14339) on Linux x64


Now, the parent workspace is indeed starting the child workspaces.


The logs states that the child is starting (+ correct parameters):


FMEServerJobSubmitter(ServerJobSubmissionFactory): Synchronously running workspace "name workspace"



But immediately is says: FMEServerJobSubmitter(ServerJobSubmissionFactory):


Completed run of workspace "name workspace"


There is no further logging info from the child workspace.


But it seems that the workspace is not executed as there are no results written in the database.



Is there a way to backtrack what happens with the child workspace? FME pedia says the logging should be added in the main log but that says only succefull





- The setting "wait for server job to complete" is set to yes


- The child workspace runs succesfully when it is launched directly (ie not in a parent workspace).




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