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We are seeing an increasing number of clients wishing to manage log files using a central log collection and monitoring system. By default, FME Server stores all log files in the system share directory structure but this also contains repository information, etc.

I would like to move just the log files (not the whole system share) to another location. Has anyone done this? It looks like it should be possible by editing a few settings in the fmeServerConfig.txt file but it's probably not recommended...

Bonus question: how nicely would these changes play with a fault tolerant (Active-Passive) architecture?

hi @nic_ran

I definitely do not recommend editing the configuration files to change the log file location. This is specified at install and cannot be changed. Our documentation references this here:

You could maybe set something up that could copy those logs into a desired location, so FME server could still access it and it'd be in a desired location for other uses.

hi @nic_ran

I definitely do not recommend editing the configuration files to change the log file location. This is specified at install and cannot be changed. Our documentation references this here:

You could maybe set something up that could copy those logs into a desired location, so FME server could still access it and it'd be in a desired location for other uses.

I agree, I once inherited an old FME Server installation where they'd done just this and it was always such a pain. It was a major relief when we redid their architecture and stuck to the default settings.

hi @nic_ran

I definitely do not recommend editing the configuration files to change the log file location. This is specified at install and cannot be changed. Our documentation references this here:

You could maybe set something up that could copy those logs into a desired location, so FME server could still access it and it'd be in a desired location for other uses.

Hi @jlutherthomas,


thanks for your response. I had read the relevant section of the documentation and already understood that it was not recommended. :)


Perhaps this could be considered as a future enhancement for FME Server? I'll post it up on the ideas board.



