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Hi team,

I was wondering if there was a timeframe to resolve: FMESERVER-14602?

I have a number of large number of work spaces which use the Database Connection, whilst this works with Schedules I can work around using that, but would prefer to use Automations as the tags and search functionality is a lot easier to use.


Also, are Automations primed to take over from Schedules in the future (i.e. if we're building something new, should we be looking to build workspaces within that space?)

Hi @cwilliams,

The status of this issue is Ready for Work with a planned fix for 2020.1. I will be sure to update this post when this work has been completed.

As for the Schedules vs Automation debate, the Automations functionality was built on top of the legacy Notifications, so adding a Schedule as a Trigger protocol was really just a bonus of this new tool. There is currently no plan to remove the Schedules only page from FME Server. Therefore you can happily use either space, depending on your scenario one option may fit better. I posted a question to address this last year which might be worth reviewing

That being said, never say never, but I think if this were to change, we would likely also provide support for migrating these schedules so it’s not anything you should be concerned about right now.
