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My question is: how do I do this? I have a ECW file which is clipped using the clipper transformer. The output needs to be stored in a postgres database. It has postgis installed.

When I inspect the clipper output I see the right aerial photo in the data inspector. Do I need to use the postgres writer, postgis or postgis raster? I tried all three, and I don't get any error messages when running the workbench. But when I try to read the data back out, I get a whole lot of nothing, and a weird raster of pixel without a photo.

Has anyone done this? Does anyone know how to do this. Please let me know what info you need from me (I recently started working where I currently work so I'm still learning the ropes).



PostGIS raster would be the one to use, but do check whether that's actually supported on your database (although I would expect the writer to come up with an error message if that isn't the case)

When I do use it, it puts a table into the public schema, not the one I specified in the connection details.. Also, when I read everything there is to be read schema/table wise, no photo... I don't know what i'm doing wrong.
