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Hello All,


FME 2015.1 fails to produce the expected results, I have developed a workbench that mainly convert hatches form AutoCAD to polygons (Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb API)) writer.


But the FME fails to write the polygons correctly, In the attached AutoCAD file I have one single hatch that should be transformed to a polygon and stored in a feature class, after running the workbench I found that the FME fills an empty gap with an extra polygon.









Link to download the workbench and the autocad file



Best regards,


Ahmad Saleh
Instead of "Deaggregator" Place "AreaBuilder" with "Drop Holes" as "Yes".
Hi Pratap,


Many thanks for your replay, " Replacing the Deaggregator by “AreaBuilder with "Drop Holes=Yes" works fine with me and solved the issue.






Ahmad Saleh
Hi pratap,


Its seems that the area builder removes fields such as fme color and autocad color, what is the best practices to keep these fields, is the attribute keeper does the job?  because I failed  to do so.







Ahmad Saleh
