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Im playing around with OSM data, which when exposed leaves a very very large number of attributes, the majority of which are empty or have at best 1/2 entries.


Im wondering is the way a to filter "active" attributes from an FFS (or a PBF) IE: Filters where all or a certain percentage of attributes entries are not Null or Missing.



I know you can do this for individual attributes using things like "attributefilter" or tester, but I wonder is there an easy way to select every exposed attribute, filter this and leave a list of attributes after that have these conditions.

No, or at least not easily.


I would argue that an attribute which is only present for a certain % of features is in fact important, but agree that an attribute that's always empty (or null) could be removed.


Would you want it removed from the table view (or not shown by default) or be able to remove it from the dataset alltogether?
