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I can't connect to a specific ArcGIS Server feature service using a FeatureReader.

I get the service layers listed as output ports but when I execute the translation it throws this error:

ArcGIS Feature Service Reader: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '400' and the message was: 'Failed to execute query.'. Details: ''


Using a Reader instead all service layers are read without problem.


I don't understand why the Reader connection works different than the transformer. Any idea?

Generally I would stick to the Reader connection and forget about this weird thing but I prefer using a FeatureReader here because I need to catch any error and work further with it in the translation.



Hi dms2,


based on your description seems the FeatureReader tries to execute a "bad" query against the ArcGIS Server feature service. You may check possible where clause or spatial filter setup in the FeatureReader and, eventually, have a look at this article.


Hope that helps!

Hi dms2,


based on your description seems the FeatureReader tries to execute a "bad" query against the ArcGIS Server feature service. You may check possible where clause or spatial filter setup in the FeatureReader and, eventually, have a look at this article.


Hope that helps!

I'm not using a where clause or a spatial filter so I don't think that's the problem. Maybe it is the "behind the scenes" query the FeaureREader does to read the data.

I read that article before asking here. It shows a workaround when it is the Reader connection that fails and that's working for me. A pity.
