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I'm trying to export my data to excel. My workbench was working fine and suddenly I can't even run it.

I'm having the following error and I don't know what could be the issue.

I restart my computer and I close all the excel files on my computer but the issue persists.

XLSX Writer: Saving changes to dataset 'folder_name'
XLSX Writer: Failed to save changes to the spreadsheet 'folder_name'. Check that you have write permission to the file, it has no password protection and is not opened by another application. Error message is 'Permission denied.'

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

... Last line repeated 2 times ...

Note that folder_name is the localisation path where I want to export the data.


In Windows Explorer, right-click on the folder you are trying to write to, and select properties. Is "Read-only" checked?

I I checked that under security and I have the rigth to read and write in the folder.


Before the excel writer, I even added a python caller and inside the python, I try to copy a file to that folder and it worked
Okay, thanks. The error message says it is trying to write a spreadsheet called 'folder_name' - make sure your output excel file path points to a file and not a directory. Would you be willing to upload your workspace, please, so I can get more information?

I I checked that under security and I have the rigth to read and write in the folder.


Before the excel writer, I even added a python caller and inside the python, I try to copy a file to that folder and it worked
Okay, thanks. The error message says it is trying to write a spreadsheet called 'folder_name' - make sure your output excel file path points to a file and not a directory. Would you be willing to upload your workspace, please, so I can get more information?
Okay, thanks. The error message says it is trying to write a spreadsheet called 'folder_name' - make sure your output excel file path points to a file and not a directory. Would you be willing to upload your workspace, please, so I can get more information?
You are right.


I scripted the folder name and there was a misspelling.


Thanks again for your help.


I really appreciate



You are right.


I scripted the folder name and there was a misspelling.


Thanks again for your help.


I really appreciate



You're welcome. I'm glad that worked!


