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I am trying to read data from a large PostGIS database. Because the database is so large I am using the featurereader and the initiator as a spatialfilter.

However, I discovered that not all the data from the PostGIS database is loaded. The PostGIS database contains tables with multiple geometry types. For example there is one table called "wall" containing both polyline and polygon geometries.

It seems like the featurereader uses the first encountered geometry type from a feature and ignores all other types. In my case it only loads polyline geometries from the wall table.

Is there a way to also load the other geometries with the featurereader? Or another way to load a large PostGIS database while using a spatialfilter where I do not have this problem?

You may want to contact Safe support for this one, in addition to voting for this (old) idea:


Could an sqlcreator/sqlexecutor with an SQL filter by  ST_GeometryType() or GeometryType()  be helpfull ? 

ST_GeometryType() -> 'ST_Linestring', 'ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon' etc 

GeometryType()  -> 'LINESTRING', 'POLYGON', 'MULTIPOINT', ...

ST_GeometryType(geom) = 'ST_LineString'
