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I have problems to get the right idea to write an excel sheet


Maybe for you an easy one.


See screenshot: i will write an excel sheet..row names like Attribute names and one column for each element_index? how i have to set the params?

Thx and greetz



Is it transpose in excel? If yes, please refer the link below...

Hola @franco69,

Maybe the attributepivoter can be of use to you. suerte.

Hi Guys,

thank you for your helped me a lot....finally a unique KEY which i run through an AGGREGATOR combined me the right attributes to one lin ein the excel sheet...



But i have an additional question:


I know how to limit the lines for an excel sheet but how can i limit excel sheets per excel file?

so finally i want to have 50 sheets per excel file...i have one sheet for one id...and i have a lot of them.

Greetz and THX


The number of sheets is defined by the number of features entering the writer, so if you limit those or group them up to 50 features, you will get 50 sheets.

1. Consider the distinct sheet names and assign unique number to each sheet name and bring the unique number with the help of feature merger like Records which are having SheetName=A will get SheetNumber=1 and SheetName=B will get SheetNumber=2

2. Use test filter and pass the values to each filter like 0 to 50, 51 to 100, etc

3. Use fanout option based on SheetName

Hope this helps

The number of sheets is defined by the number of features entering the writer, so if you limit those or group them up to 50 features, you will get 50 sheets.

Hi Itay,


but i have different numbers of features with the same GEO_ID which can be 5170 or 5224 or 5547 and one sheet should show me all features with the same GEO_ID and i want 50 GEO_ID (sheets) per Excel file......i try Statisticscalculator, Counter but i think i need the ExpressionEvaluator to give them unique attributes to limit them to 50 per writer?


don't see the exactly way.....


