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I have a simple workflow, read shapefiles, set coordinate system and write to a PostGIS database. I am now trying to write to ArcGIS Online. I have deleted and re-added my connection to AGO two or three times this morning. Each time I am able to authenticate the connection but when I go to add a writer, the Feature Service Loading bar keeps running. I have quit three times after 10 minutes. I was able to write to AGO just a week ago with the same parameters! There is no error in the translation log.


Translation log output: 'ARCGISONLINEFEATURES' reader was created successfully


Creating reader for format: Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service


Trying to find a PYTHON plugin for reader named `ARCGISONLINEFEATURES'


Loaded Python module `arcgisonlinefeatures' from file `C:\\Program Files\\FME\\plugins/python27\\arcgisonlinefeatures\\__init__.pyc'


Hi @dshaw34,

We should try to investigate this a little further. Would you please submit a problem report here:


Thank you!

I have that same problem.

I am getting this same issue now as well. Was there a solution?

I am getting this same issue now as well. Was there a solution?

Hi @michaeljsee - What version of FME are you using? Could you try using the latest FME 2018.0 release?


Another thing to try if you are using Python 2.7: Are you able to change the Workbench> Tools > FME Options > Translation > Preferred Python Interpreter to Python 3+? If you can also set this in the Navigator> Workspace Parameters > Scripting > Python Compatibility = Python 3+.


If neither of the 2 options fix the issue, please submit a report problem here so we can investigate further:
Hi @michaeljsee - What version of FME are you using? Could you try using the latest FME 2018.0 release?


Another thing to try if you are using Python 2.7: Are you able to change the Workbench> Tools > FME Options > Translation > Preferred Python Interpreter to Python 3+? If you can also set this in the Navigator> Workspace Parameters > Scripting > Python Compatibility = Python 3+.


If neither of the 2 options fix the issue, please submit a report problem here so we can investigate further:
Thanks for writing back Andrea.


I was using 2018.0 (also had a 2017 installation on my machine that started doing the same thing). I uninstalled both and reinstalled just the 2018.0 with the same issues.


I don't seem to have a "Python 3+" interpreter, but tried various others in the list to no avail.



I will submit a report problem.





