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I am trying to create schema and upload data to PostGIS facing Error


2018-11-29 09:18:58| 13.8| 0.1|ERROR |Bulk copy failed on table 'FIN.match_tt' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'ERROR: extra data after last expected column

CONTEXT: COPY match_tt, line 1: "00004649-3100-0400-0000-0000000ab870:30:5.39508913314117:85.76780709963086:80.37271796648969:5.05078..."


2018-11-29 09:18:58| 13.8| 0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

2018-11-29 09:18:58| 13.8| 0.0|ERROR |Bulk copy failed on table 'FIN.match_tt' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'no COPY in progress


2018-11-29 09:18:58| 13.8| 0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details"


can any one help

Please find log file for reference.


I think you'll have to make a support case with your FME provider or through our support web page. You'll have to include some sample data from the source File Geodb, your workspace and also the table create SQL for the table match_tt.

This PostGreSQL error seems to occur if there is a mismatch between the number of columns being written and the number of columns in the target database. This might occur if the database table definition has changed since created the feature type in the workspace. Perhaps check that the Feature Type does match the database table schema.

I think you'll have to make a support case with your FME provider or through our support web page. You'll have to include some sample data from the source File Geodb, your workspace and also the table create SQL for the table match_tt.

This PostGreSQL error seems to occur if there is a mismatch between the number of columns being written and the number of columns in the target database. This might occur if the database table definition has changed since created the feature type in the workspace. Perhaps check that the Feature Type does match the database table schema.

I have the same problem, and it is because one of the text fields contains the delimiter ( : ), in my case a http link as a value contains a delimiter.

I have the same problem, and it is because one of the text fields contains the delimiter ( : ), in my case a http link as a value contains a delimiter.

@oscarwillems I couldn't reproduce this issue when writing to PostgreSQL. Testing FME in 2018 & our 2019 beta I could write a 'text' data type with a URL then read it back in data inspector:

url (encoded: UTF-8)

@oscarwillems I couldn't reproduce this issue when writing to PostgreSQL. Testing FME in 2018 & our 2019 beta I could write a 'text' data type with a URL then read it back in data inspector:

url (encoded: UTF-8)

Using 2018.1, with me it occurred with a PostgreSQL FeatureWriter and a text field with an URL, and "Bulk insert" set to YES (so it will bulk insert with a : delimiter), I'll try to get you a snippet if I work on the problem again, for now, I just skipped the bulk insert and it works.

Using 2018.1, with me it occurred with a PostgreSQL FeatureWriter and a text field with an URL, and "Bulk insert" set to YES (so it will bulk insert with a : delimiter), I'll try to get you a snippet if I work on the problem again, for now, I just skipped the bulk insert and it works.

yes correct
