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When trying to update a hosted feature service (truncate,insert) that was creating from ArcGIS I get an error that the service name already exists. I have a feature service that I create with FME using the same data and I can update that service without any problem.

Is there any reason why I can update the service created with FME but not the service created from ArcGIS Desktop? The properties on the services are the identical and owned by the same account.

Did you import the existing service?

Did you import the existing service?

I used the AGOL writer to connect to the service.



Good to know, but @runneals
asked whether you imported the feature classes after adding the reading?
Or did you create them yourself. If you did the last, you should remove
those feature types and use Writers > Import Feature Types. Then you
choose your service and import the feature types from that service.

I just typed in the service name and layer without importing the feature types. If I try to import feature types or get a list of services it just seems to hang when loading.

I just typed in the service name and layer without importing the feature types. If I try to import feature types or get a list of services it just seems to hang when loading.

That shouldn't happen. You can try to remove the feature types, but keep the writer. Than I would go to the Writer menu and try to 'Import Feature Types', choosing your ArcGIS Online service and the tables/feature classes that belong to it.


If it does not work, I suggest you contact your local reseller.

