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i have recently moved from windows to mac and i have install a MYSQL server,

i have used the data connections many times

but when i am connecting i am now getting this area

Error connecting to MYSQL database('localhost','sys'): 'Can't initialize character set unknown (path: compiled_in)'

a bit of search online seem to say that a config file is not installed by default on a mac OS install, i have created a default one within the MYSQL workbench but i am still getting this error and i am not an expert on SQL by any means!

any help would be much appreciated



@fungry21 Can you confirm that you're able to connect to your MYSQL using MySQL workbench or the equivalent?

@fungry21 Can you confirm that you're able to connect to your MYSQL using MySQL workbench or the equivalent?

hey @markatsafe

thanks for the reply,

i can confirm that i can connect to the MySQL through workbench and also ping the server through mysqladmin within the terminal, which tells me it is "alive"

FME must be communicating with the server, as the error message are different

when the server is running i get this error

Error connecting to MYSQL database('','sys'): 'Can't initialize character set unknown (path: compiled_in)'

when the server is not running i get this error

Error connecting to MYSQL database('','sys'): 'Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (57)'


i am guessing this has something to do with my MySQL setting (which was just a default install) and not a setting within FME, but any keep would be much appreciated!




Is the MySQL server running on the same Mac as your FME? That's the setup I have (using XAMPP) and I found that I need to connect like this:


Note the capital L in Localhost. I am using the MariaDB reader

Hi @fungry21

What version of MySQL are you using?

What version of FME are you using?

I see hints that it is 5.7 however, the error you are reporting makes me wonder if you have 8.0 installed? At the present time (Nov 2019) we don't yet support 8.0.

I've tested a new install on my Mac, installing MySQL Community Edition 5.7 and had no issues connecting to it with a local FME (2019.2). FME didn't seem to care if used 'localhost' or 'Localhost'.

Also, I was connecting via the root user but I do not think that is the issue here.
