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I´m trying to convert data from a ArcGIS filegeodb to AutoCAD DWG. In the proces I´m getting the following error which says absolutly nothing to me. Does anybody have an idea on where the problem could be?

AutoCAD Writer: An error occurred for dataset 'C:\\Temp\\RF2017\\RFgrundkort2017.dwg', in function AutoCAD2004Writer::writeInsertAttribute. Exception thrown: 'Invalid input' (Invalid input)




Hi Christian,

I've been reported the same error. Have you found any solution since then?




I was having the same error when converting from a point layer, using the DWGStyler with a template to convert to a block before FeatureWriting it out.


In the DWGStyler I had in the Block Name: "Ex Sanitary Manhole" when it should have been "Ex Sanitary Manhole " with a space at the end before writing it to "V-SSWR-STRC".




I was having the same error when converting from a point layer, using the DWGStyler with a template to convert to a block before FeatureWriting it out.


In the DWGStyler I had in the Block Name: "Ex Sanitary Manhole" when it should have been "Ex Sanitary Manhole " with a space at the end before writing it to "V-SSWR-STRC".




Hi @dmerrick - glad to hear you were able to resolve the error you received.


Do you know if the template DWG file had the Block Name with a space at the end? Or did you have to add the space even though the block name (in the template file) did not have a space at the end?


Just want to be sure this isn't a bug with the DWGStyler 🙂


- Andrea

Hi @dmerrick - glad to hear you were able to resolve the error you received.


Do you know if the template DWG file had the Block Name with a space at the end? Or did you have to add the space even though the block name (in the template file) did not have a space at the end?


Just want to be sure this isn't a bug with the DWGStyler 🙂


- Andrea

@AndreaAtSafe, I was mistaken about my error and having a space at the end of the block name. Further examination showed I was missing a couple "shx." files. I manually copied them into the same folder that the template resides in but still have the same template block issue of it not being recognized.


@AndreaAtSafe, I was mistaken about my error and having a space at the end of the block name. Further examination showed I was missing a couple "shx." files. I manually copied them into the same folder that the template resides in but still have the same template block issue of it not being recognized.




It sounds like you are still encountering a problem.


I think it might be best to post this as a new question on the Q+A board:


In your new post, sharing a few more details will help the FME community help you, if you could provide additional details including:
  • A clear statement of the problem you are trying to resolve
  • The version of FME you are using, including build number and edition
  • A small sample of your data, or screenshots of the data in the FME Data Inspector
  • A description of your expected output, with screenshots if possible
  • Your FME workspace
  • Your FME translation log file
  • Any other information that may be useful to share

Same error but for me the issue was not all template files being in AutoCad version 2013
