
Error "edgeCurves_[edge].has_value()" with reading or writing a IFC file

  • 24 July 2020
  • 0 replies


Hello everybody,

i try to integrate an IFC File of a building into a gdb File.

Someone from ESRI France has read the file correctly and put in gdb file with Data Interoperability and ArcGIS Pro 2.5.

I don't know very much this BIM format but i have some problems to read it in FME 2020.1 (build 20596).


step1 :

all the file is ok except the class IfcWallStandardCase wich has a problem just in reading it with an inspector.

with 2D, no problem, but 3D reading, it failed :


Construction de la commande OSG Graphe de scène caught exception: stk::ex::FatalError

[0] Expression: edgeCurves_[edge].has_value()

[1] auto __cdecl cycletopology::Graph::extractCircuit::<lambda_62cd9dca1bd617e3c133d0725ef0952f>::operator ()(const struct stk::ex::index<unsigned __int64,struct cycletopology::Graph::Edge>) const(C:\\code\\fme\\foundation\\framework\\geometry\\cycletopology\\src\\graph.cpp:167)


step 2 :

i have tried to write the 1400 items into a gdb file (multipart) with a geometry filter on solid.

after 10 items, it failed with this message.


Processing on a solid has failed. The solid may be too complex, not closed, or not orientable.

Processing on a solid has failed. The solid may be too complex, not closed, or not orientable.

Geodatabase Writer: Failed to write geometry to MultiPatch feature class `IfcWallStandardCase'

Storing feature(s) to FME feature store file `H:\\fmw\\divers\\ifc2gdb_wall_error_log.ffs'


Feature Type: `IfcWallStandardCase'

Attribute(encoded: UTF-8) : `GlobalId' has value `1p4N8Gcn1CBxRxbFv11n5H'



step3 : i put a tester to filter this item (i have his globalid)

after 130 items, it failed with this message.

Error encountered while copying traits to generated solids. Some solid components may be missing traits, appearances, measures or attributes

... Last line repeated 2 times

Expression: edgeCurves_[edge].has_value()


i try a lot of combination of parameters for IFC.


there are 5 parameters for geometries (read ifcSpace, add open geometries etc...)

all in "Yes", only the "evaluate the CSG solid geometries" on "No"

because the project failed with this message :

Processing on a solid has failed. The solid may be too complex, not closed, or not orientable.

Error encountered while copying traits to generated solids. Some solid components may be missing traits, appearances, measures or attributes

... Last line repeated 3 times ...

Unknown error. Please visit

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


i suspect that my file has some complex objects/bad shaped objects

and the Data Interoperability extension from ESRI has probably filtred them.


Do you have any suggestions ?

thank you


I put the file and the


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