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I have a file geodatabase, I am filtering various features from this and am writing it to DWG. However, I want to break down this single file geodatabase into multiple DWG tiles. I am currently using a clipper to clip to my new tile boundaries, when I go to write however I cannot name multiple tiles with different names because I also want to name the various layer names dynamically. Is there a way I can name the tile for example write multiple tiles (eg. 1234, 1233, 1235) and name the layers individually as well?


I hope this makes sense, please feel free to ask questions if it doesn't. It's hard to explain over the internet.


Thanks so much for any help.




Use the fanout expression. There you can fanout per tile.

See writer parameters in the Navigator panel of the autocad writer.

As @gio says, use the Fanout option in the Navigator window:


Here, for example, I have a set of park features. I get a single DWG each neighborhood and each park is written to a separate layer within the DWG file.

As @gio says, use the Fanout option in the Navigator window:


Here, for example, I have a set of park features. I get a single DWG each neighborhood and each park is written to a separate layer within the DWG file.

Thanks Mark, worked perfectly. Always great help here.


Use the fanout expression. There you can fanout per tile.

See writer parameters in the Navigator panel of the autocad writer.

Thanks Gio, worked perfectly. Always great help here.
