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I’m having trouble writing dynamically to a SDE feature dataset using the ‘truncate’ option in FME 2023.1. The features are written, but there is no ‘truncating’ taking place before the writing and instead the data doubles up... 

It works as expected in FME 2021.2.6 however, maybe due to the different way in which the feature dataset is specified in this version under ‘Table Creation Parameters’. How do I make it truncate also in 2023.1 version?


Current set up in writer for FME 2023.1:


Hi @albjoh 

I think the fme_feature_type attribute will already have the Feature Dataset in the name, as such can you try removing the ‘parks/’ portion of your Feature class name. Something like:

Let me know if that helps!

Hi @trentatsafe,

I will have a look at your suggestion! 
However, since there is no problem to write to the correct dataset and layers Im not sure this is the problem, rather it is the truncating that is not happening… 


Hi @albjoh 

If you do a basic truncate (not dynamically) is it working?

I have seen this with some of my client it was related to a version issue between ESRI, FME and their SQL database. Is FME the only software that you upgraded?

Yes @carlm, basic works as expected and that is how currently make it run. Only FME was upgraded.  Any Ideas what versions of esri/ sql db are needed for this to work? Thanks for your help.

Hi @albjoh 

If you do a basic truncate (not dynamically) is it working?

I have seen this with some of my client it was related to a version issue between ESRI, FME and their SQL database. Is FME the only software that you upgraded?

Can confirm ‘truncate’ does not act as expected when FME Form 2023.1 uses ESRI dynamic reader/writer. 

Yes @carlm, basic works as expected and that is how currently make it run. Only FME was upgraded.  Any Ideas what versions of esri/ sql db are needed for this to work? Thanks for your help.

When you load a new sde or gdb reader, do you get a message similar to this:

May have to upgrade esri component too--note in this case, I had to upgrade FME.

Hi @alexlynch3450, I do not recall getting a messaage like yours. I will try and upgrade my esri component. Hope that will fix it…


Thanks a lot 
