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I want to set hatch layer fill colors which are defined by  number values in the attribute “extended_data{1}.32Bit_integer{0}” (this option is not in the DWG styler), and I would like to edit the values of the data_list and extended_data attributes for a large number of map material that I am going to import.



Most of these DWG-attributes from CAD are removed during transformation. Is there a way to add, keep and set these attributes in FME? Directly adding them as user attributes did not get recognized in the writer.


The single “autocad_extended_data_list{}” is present as a format attribute but nothing else.







All the attributes are available on the dwg reader.


U need to expose them on the "format attributes" tab on the reader ( a large list)


U can also use an attributeexposer, this is particularily hadny if u are well known with the autocad format and can type in what u need by heart.



Very usefull in this respect is FME readers and writers bible "autocad" section.



This book explains what can and niot be done with the attributes.




