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I´m using FeatureWriter to save my DWG file, but after executed my workspace, the DWG file show me all features duplicate. If I use the writer REALDWG work good, but I need to use FeatureWriter because it´s possible use autocad_source_filename for Template File.

Why all features are duplicated in FeatureWriter?




Does this mean, Features are going before writer are 100 and after opening the dwg file in AutoCAD it has 200 features...

Kindly clarify

Hi @mr_fme,

the most Obvious reason this would happen, is when you use a template file and you keep the original features from the model space.

The Autocad dwg writer can't perform an insert operation on an existing DWG-file, so either the above must have happened or somehow duplicate features are provided to the FeatureWriter in the first place.

Hope this helps solving your issue.


Does this mean, Features are going before writer are 100 and after opening the dwg file in AutoCAD it has 200 features...

Kindly clarify


Now I have 2 problems, I need to use the template file from the autocad_source_filename file as there are many DWG files. But the Real DWG writer does not have this option and FeatureWriter already does not allow the files not to be duplicated


Now I have 2 problems, I need to use the template file from the autocad_source_filename file as there are many DWG files. But the Real DWG writer does not have this option and FeatureWriter already does not allow the files not to be duplicated

Initially, let me understand your problem. So, kindly clarify my question and I hope you are not using the dwg file with data in template as @lars_de_vries suggested...

