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Hi All,


I’m trying to download images in a folder from Google drive and then convert those geotagged images to points with having the images as attachment to the point feature class, something similar to GeoTagged Photos to Point tool in Arcmap.


I started my workbench by using the Google drive connector then photo coordinate extractor and vertex creator, but my workbench stuck in google drive connector all my records keep rejected if I choose to download them as a folder while it's working fine if I choose to download them as attribute.

I could have the images folder in my machine when I run the workbench but it's not allowed me to continue the whole process.

Any ideas on how could I achieve this?




It would be helpful if you put your translation log snapshots so its easier to understand where the workbench stops working?

It would be helpful if you put your translation log snapshots so its easier to understand where the workbench stops working?

Hi @nepalikiwi thank you for you're answer. see the below screenshot

Hi @takashi

Do you have any idea about achieving this workflow?


Hi, the rejected features will have a fme_rejection attribute, what is the value of this attribute? You can see the value if you connect an inspector or logger to the rejected port of the GoogleDriveConnector transformer.

Hi, the rejected features will have a fme_rejection attribute, what is the value of this attribute? You can see the value if you connect an inspector or logger to the rejected port of the GoogleDriveConnector transformer.

Hi @itay thanks for your reply, I added an inspector and got the following error

If you want to store the GoogleDriveFiles as attributes I think you can use a RasterReplacer to replace the "binary attribute containing the raster with the actual raster"


You might need to use a Attributefilter to split the different filetypes first to set the format = TIFF and format = JPEG etc.

Hi @itay thanks for your reply, I added an inspector and got the following error

Can you show the value as shown in the feature window and not the table view?

Can you show the value as shown in the feature window and not the table view?

Please see the below snapshot

Please see the below snapshot

Thx, strange message, what are your settings for the GoogleDriverConnector? Cab you post the workspace or an image of the transformer?

Please see the below snapshot

It seems the files already exist on local disk? Can you check that the files are not already downloaded to local disk?


It seems the files already exist on local disk? Can you check that the files are not already downloaded to local disk?


I think you might be right @sigtill

I swiped to the documentation and found a better way!

Forgot that you can use a FeatureReader directly!

The FeatureReader can access Google Drive directly (without using the GoogleDriveConnector), however, a local copy of the dataset will not be created.


I swiped to the documentation and found a better way!

Forgot that you can use a FeatureReader directly!

The FeatureReader can access Google Drive directly (without using the GoogleDriveConnector), however, a local copy of the dataset will not be created.


I tried this option, but the problem is that the google drive folder will updated automatically with a new images, and I need to publish my workbench to FME server and schedule it to convert these photo automatically.

so If I used the feature reader that means I need to choose the images and it will not pickup the whole folder with the new images

It seems the files already exist on local disk? Can you check that the files are not already downloaded to local disk?


I deleted the folder but still got an error

I tried this option, but the problem is that the google drive folder will updated automatically with a new images, and I need to publish my workbench to FME server and schedule it to convert these photo automatically.

so If I used the feature reader that means I need to choose the images and it will not pickup the whole folder with the new images

Sounds like you need to create a workflow that compares what is already transformed to new features.

Have a look at the list option in de GoogleDriveConnector to list all the features in the folder for comparison purposes.

I think you might be right @sigtill

How I could overwrite the downloaded folder from GoogleDrive?
